Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How do we know what is true?

Today students were introduced to the new unit and discussed our first essential question:

How Do We Know What Is True?

Ask your child what was discussed today in class and what they believe to be true! Challenge them by asking WHY they believe these truths! Are they religious beliefs? Superstitions? Cultural stories? It was amazing listening to the initial ideas that were brought up. A snippet of the things some believe to be true:

  • There is life on other planets
  • There is a secret facility under DIA
  • Megalodon (giant shark) is real
  • If you don't pray before a meal, you might get sick
  • After relatives die, their spirits stay in your home
  • If you take a volcanic rock from a volcano, you will get bad luck
  • If a bird poops on your head, it's good luck
  • If a lady bug lands on you, it's good luck