Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Street Poetry Extension

Read the lyrics and view the video for Heavydirtysoul (2016)

Watch this video of the artist reciting the lyrics for this song as street poetry (2013)

Check out this selection of Wall Poems in Charlotte, North Carolina

Street Poetry:
Dear Future Generations: Sorry

Just Because poem template
Try your hand at writing one!

Monday, April 24, 2017

RL6.7 Assessment

Today in class, we completed our RL6.7 assessment where students were asked to find a song, poem, or other form of media that represents adaptation (our unit concept). Students were required to analyze the song, providing a clear and specific analysis of adaptation. Then, students found the author's intended meaning for the song and compared it to their analysis.

Example of Assessment Expectations - "Happy"
Day 1
Day 2
Extension for Early Finishers

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Line

Today we analyzed this poem and watched the video. It is an extremely powerful message that garnered a bunch of amazing discussion.


Poem Text

Analysis questions:
  1. What is the overall message of this poem? Give evidence.
  2. Connect this poem to your everyday use of social media. 
  3. How does this poem relate to making choices? Be specific in your answer.
  4. After you read the poem and watched the video, explain how the speaker's word choice and the way he represents some of the words affect the meaning of the poem.
  5. What words or phrases do you think are important in poem and why?
  6. Connect this poem to our overarching concept of ADAPTATION. Explain with specific examples why you made this connection.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Warm up - April 18

Watch with your shoulder partner (or a partner at your table - no moving tables). Use/share earbuds please.

Nothing Will Change Unless YOU Change

Be ready to discuss:
How does this video relate to ADAPTATION?
How can you take the ideas behind this video and apply them to your life?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Unit 6: Adaptation

Today we began Unit 6, our last unit of the school year. Unit 6 is called Inquiry into Arguments: Integrating Media. Our overarching concept for this unit will be adaptation.

We would like students to begin thinking about how they will adapt to the changes that 7th grade brings. One of the most important parts of middle school are the habits that are built and practiced that lead to success in high school. 

In order to understand and apply adaptation to their lives, students will be analyzing songs, poems, quotes, and articles. Please see our "What Are We Studying" tab for more information and standards that will be assessed during this unit.

Following is a video I showed today in class that students encouraged me to put on our classroom website so they could access it from home. I encourage you to watch it and discuss it with your child.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Unit 5 - Assessment

Tomorrow is our last assessment for Unit 5: Conveying Differing Perspectives. Students have been studying articles and videos about Hurricane Katrina and determining the different ways media presented the information about this event. Tomorrow they will compare/contrast two articles (Honors Period 2 are comparing/contrasting three articles) and write a constructed response detailing how the authors have presented the information the same, and how they have presented information differently.

Articles, rubrics, and all practice materials are below.

Building background knowledge

Practice (Compare/Contrast): article / video
Students wrote a practice constructed response, were graded on a rubric and given feedback to prepare them for the assessment.

Assessment (Compare/Contrast): article 1 / article 2 / article 3