Monday, March 2, 2015

CMAS Testing

Tomorrow begins our mandatory state testing, this year known interchangeably as CMAS or PARCC. Please read here (  or here (Colorado Department of Education) for more information on this test.

Students will be taking the test on the following days for the indicated amount of time. They will then have regular core and elective classes (although not every core class every day).

Tuesday 3/3 (75 minutes)
Thursday 3/5 (90 minutes)
Monday 3/9 (60 minutes)
Tuesday 3/10 (80 minutes)
Thursday 3/12 (70 minutes)

Please be sure your child gets to bed at a decent time, has a good breakfast, brings earbuds/headphones, and leaves their phone OFF and in their lockers during testing. Encourage them to do their best, and that their best IS good enough! Do not stress about the test! They are well prepared, as long as they try hard and focus.