Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reading Group Novels

Today, your child should be coming home with a reading group novel that we will be using daily for our second unit: Authors as Mentors, and our current concept: Perception.

Students self-selected these novels in class based on interest, Lexile level, and readability for their current reading level. Additionally, students met with their reading groups to set weekly reading goals and expectations. 

Some expectations include, but are not limited to:
  • nightly reading of novel (ONLY IF daily goal is not met in class)
  • achieving the weekly reading goal set by the group; but NOT reading beyond
  • reading with their notebook next to them to jot down thuoghts, quotes, and interesting parts to discuss at with the group at the next meeting
  • using thinkmarks (teaching in class on Friday) and sticky notes to mark interesting pages to discuss
  • selecting evidence from the text to support thinking
  • thoughtfully and respectfully agreeing/disagreeing with other members of the group
  • being an active member of the group by listening and adding to the conversation when possible
  • being an independent, responsible member of the group to ultimately make the group function as a whole
Following these expectations is necessary for success on assessment grades that will be taken through discussion groups (both participation AND preparation will be assessed) and constructed responses that require the student to analyze the author's craft. Please see the What Are We Studying? tab for the rubrics and standards being assessed in this unit. 

Here is a video of what a successful reading group should look like: