Friday, December 11, 2015

Internet Safety

Today your students attended a presentation by the Westminster Police Department and its Internet Crimes Against Children division (ICAC). Detective Adams discussed the realities of predators on the internet, the real dangers and consequences of cyberbullying, and most importantly, how to keep yourself safe on social media. Please review this presentation with your child and reiterate that it was not meant to scare them, but to help them understand how easy it is to get swept up in internet drama that can turn very serious very quickly.

Did you know...?

...taking, sending, and receiving inappropriate, sexual images of children (those under 18 years of age) are all federal crimes

...if you receive an inappropriate image and don't report it and/or delete it off your phone, you can be brought up on charges of possessing child pornography

...the best person to contact regarding an activity you aren't sure is appropriate is your parent, Officer DeHerrera (our school SRO), or a counselor

...the worst person to contact regarding an activity you aren't sure is appropriate is your friend or anyone under the age of 18

...32% of kids hide their browsing history from their parents; 27% of tweens put a fake age in their online profiles; 28% of tweens have had a stranger contact them through their online profile

...predators hang out on social networking sites, gaming systems, and chat sites to find their victims

...cyberbullying is now a crime in Colorado (Kiana's Law)

Questions about this presentation can be directed to administration or counseling.