Friday, September 15, 2017

Narrative Writing

Students will begin writing a short narrative in class. Last week we planned our stories using a plot mountain.

The requirements for this narrative are:

    Image result for clip art writing
  • Engaging exposition (must hook your reader, develop your characters, and have a clear setting)
  • Dialogue and descriptive language
  • Flows in an order that makes sense (story moves along)
  • Clear climax and turning point
  • Must have a theme
  • The end (resolution) must wrap up the events

Here is the rubric we will be using to grade the narrative. Each day we will include a mini lesson before students begin writing. the mini lessons we will include are (but not limited to): hooking your reader, how to add dialogue, writing in a descriptive way, making your characters interesting, organization, and how to end the story so everything is wrapped up.

Future posts on this website will include links to the mini lessons as we go through them.