Friday, September 5, 2014

Close Reading

We completed our MAPS testing today and are getting into the groove of Readers/Writers Workshop. This week we worked on a technique of reading called Close Reading using nonfiction articles. By looking at the text multiple times for different purposes, we are able to notice new details we hadn't noticed before, pull out the main idea, and discover evidence to back up our thinking.

Students have been told that this is an important skill since finding text evidence to support ideas is the crux of our standards in sixth grade. We require evidence for EVERYTHING. This is important practice for a skill they will continually be asked to demonstrate.

Ask your child about what they learned while reading "Dogs on Duty" or "Hard Knocks." Both articles were very enjoyable to read!

Homework this week was simply reading every night. I hope your children are all into a novel of their choice right now. Scholastic flyers went home today. If you'd like a cheap way to get a book for your child, Scholastic is the way to go. Return orders to me or order online by Wednesday, Sept. 10. Our classroom code for online orders is HYGYZ.