Monday, May 4, 2015

Avoid the Summer Slide!

The "summer slide" is the amount of knowledge your child loses during the summer if they are not working to sharpen their skills on a regular basis. Most students lose between 1-2 grade levels on their test scores between spring and fall. That means, a student who scores on a 6th grade reading level on MAPS in the spring, might score on a 4th or 5th grade reading level in the fall of 7th grade if the summer is spent without books and mind-sharpening activities. This will inform their teachers that they are reading well below grade level.

Simply reading for the requisite 20 minutes per day as your child should have done for homework during the school year will prevent this slip in scores.  Here is more information about the "summer slide" from Scholastic.

Visit for awesome FREE activities and downloads to do with your child this summer!


Last but not least, our class is participating in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. Starting TODAY, students can sign up to log their reading minutes online as part of our class. We could win prizes if we rack up those reading minutes! Go to to sign up and find out more!