Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Letter to My 8th Grade Self

Letter to My 8th Grade Self will be assigned Friday, Sept. 4 and is due Tuesday, Sept. 8. Students must include at least three paragraphs in their letter. The first paragraph must describe what life is like now that they've settled into middle school. The second paragraph should include goals for themselves in 8th grade, reasons behind the goals, and how they're going to accomplish them. The third paragraph must include the impact of the growth mindset on them so far, and how they plan to use it in the future.

Goal setting is one of our standards for 6th grade. Be sure your goals are realistic, timely, attainable, and able to be measured (so you know if you've reached your goal)!

Please see an example 8th grade letter here. Be sure to use this letter to know how to format your letter correctly. You will get your letter back in 8th grade. Put effort into this letter so it can be a time of enjoyment when you read what life was like as a 6th grader!