Friday, January 22, 2016

Presentations for Motivation

On Monday, students are to bring in an item that motivates them and give a short (30 seconds to a minute) presentation on how and why it motivates them. Here is the rubric for this speaking and listening grade. 

Students had time in class to brainstorm and discuss what they might bring, and practiced presenting with a peer. Please encourage them to practice a few more times this weekend and not to forget their item on Monday. As you can see on the rubric, they will be getting a grade for preparation, and must be prepared to present when I call their name.

Some suggestions for items:
- a medal/trophy (or a picture of such a thing, if it is too valuable to bring to school)
- a sports jersey/team logo
- a picture of someone in their life (this can be on their phone, does not need to be printed)
- a quote 
- a school-appropriate song (they can send me a link and we can play it from my computer)
- a school-appropriate video (they can send me a link and we can play it from my computer)
- a hospital bracelet
- the case of a game or movie (don't bring the game or movie)
- anything else they can think of as long as they can explain how it motivates them!

Here is an example speech: